Using our Library Voices

SPECIAL Gabbing with the Librarians: LIVE from Comicpalooza

Harris County Public Library

Join librarians from across Harris County as they discuss fan fiction's influence on pop-culture recorded live at Comicpalooza!

 The participants were Anjela Martinez, Darcy Casavant, Logan Tuttle, and myself. Beth Krippel edited and Nancy Hu produced

Borrow all your favorite comics, graphic novels, anthologies and stories from your local library or online at 

Created by the Podcast Team at the Harris County Public Library.

Podcast Team Members include: Beth Krippel, John Harbaugh, Mary Mink, Dylan Smith, Sadina Shawver, Gisela Parker, Kara Ludwig, John Schaffer, Jennifer Finch, Katelyn Helberg, Darcy Casavant, Darla Pruitt and Nancy Hu